Do you feel lucky to get away with driving your vehicle without any insurance coverage in place? You might feel lucky, but all it takes is to make one mistake to end up in a stressful legal and financial situation. Auto insurance coverage is mandatory in a large portion of states in the United States, and driving without insurance comes with a penalty. Driving without auto insurance can also lead to a lawsuit that causes a financial bind if you are the one that is liable for causing an accident. It is in your best interest to invest in auto insurance coverage before your luck runs out.
Why Are Drivers Forced to Get Insurance Coverage?
The reason there are state laws regarding mandatory auto insurance coverage is to protect everyone who drives. Mandatory insurance coverage also protects passengers in vehicles, pedestrians, and private property. For example, if a driver causes a collision that injures someone or ruins their property, the victim can file a claim. Auto insurance coverage also protects drivers who cause accidents by making it easier for victims to get paid, which can prevent financially draining lawsuits. Insurance coverage can cover medical treatment, vehicle damage, and several other things depending on the type of coverage.
What Do Police Officers Do to Uninsured Drivers?
If a police officer finds out that a driver does not have auto insurance coverage, several actions might be taken. The officer will consider the state laws regarding insurance coverage, as well as a few other factors. For example, if it is the driver's first offense, he or she might be issued a citation. If the driver has been caught driving without insurance coverage in the past, he or she might receive a citation and be taken to jail. Other than what a police officer might do, a driver can also end up with his or her license suspended.
Is There a Way to Get Affordable Insurance Coverage?
Drivers are not obligated to choose a specific type of insurance coverage. To receive the most affordable insurance premium rate, a driver can choose liability insurance coverage to receive the minimum benefits. However, other factors will play a role in the insurance premium rate as well. For example, the age of the driver will be considered because younger drivers are more at risk of causing an accident. The driving history and sex of the driver will also be considered for the premium rate.
To learn more, contact an auto insurance agency in your area.