Automobile insurance can be confusing. You need to figure out what types and how much coverage you need. Of course, you can always simply go with the minimums required by the state and the company that holds the loan for the vehicle. However, you may find that you need to purchase SR22 insurance as well. While not technically insurance, it is a document that states you do have the required liability coverage.
- The law requires larger companies to carry workers compensation insurance. However, if you own a small business with a limited number of employees, this legal requirement may not apply to you. Despite this fact, you may still wish to consider purchasing a workers comp insurance policy. This is because while you may not be required by law to carry this insurance, you certainly can still benefit from having it. Continue reading to learn more about just a few of the reasons that having workers comp insurance can benefit you and your small business.
- Owning a new home is exciting. It represents a key milestone of the American dream. However, it also comes with responsibilities, like protecting the home from fires, theft, and other mishaps. If you're a first-time homebuyer, you probably don't know much about homeowners' insurance. Here are four solid tips to guide you when buying a home insurance policy. Shop Early for Home Insurance One mistake many first-time homebuyers make is thinking they first need to move into their new home before buying home insurance coverage.
- A home is one of the biggest investments you can make, so it stands to reason to protect it with adequate insurance. If something unexpected happens, you will have peace of mind knowing that the damage will be covered. It is important to get all the facts about home insurance so that you have proper coverage. Here are a few things about home insurance that you should not believe. Myth: It Is Not Necessary to Make an Inventory of Your Possessions
- When you buy a new car, you must purchase an insurance policy for it before you can drive it on public roadways. However, as a first-time vehicle owner, you may have no idea of how to buy a new policy. You are not sure of what factors to include or what ones you may be able to leave out. Instead of buying one online and not taking the chance to speak with someone from the insurer about your new coverage, you may want to meet face-to-face or talk with someone at length before buying the policy.